A Shockwave is an acoustic wave which can carry high energy to affected painful areas of the body, promoting regeneration and reparative processes of the bones, tendons, and other soft tissues.
In Shockwave Therapy, radial shockwaves are introduced into the body by means of a freely moved applicator and cover the entire pain region. The pathological association between pain and muscle tone and vascular tone is broken as a result of Shockwave Therapy and the strong stimuli it produces, enabling natural movement patterns to be remembered and recalled.
Shockwave Therapy also break up calcifications in tendons and adhesions associated with Tendonitis and Fasciitis. Results are normally rapid and dramatic.
Injection Therapy
Injection therapy (prolotherapy) is when a qualified podiatrist can inject an agent (this may include local anaesthetic, dextrose or saline) into a chronically injured area which can attract the immune response cells.
These cells are responsible for healing and can elicit healing and increase blood flow to the area.